Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back Using The No Contact Rule
Going thr?ugh the painful emotions of a breakup w?th y?ur boyfriend (now ex boyfriend) is tough, but ?ne ?f the BIGGEST mistakes ??u can make right n?w is contacting him. But I w?nt t? g?t h?m back right now! I hear y?u say. Of c?ur?e ??u do, however contacting h?m i? NOT th? w?y t? go which i? why ??u need t? read the rest of this article t? ?ee h?w you ??n u?e the no contact rule to make HIM desperate f?r YOU back.
What is the No Contact Rule?
By simple definition, the no contact rule means cutting of ?ll contact with ?our ex. This ma? go ag??nst the feelings y?u have r?ght now; all y?u w?nt to d? is call h?m ?nd explain how mu?h ?ou love him, miss him, w?nt him back etc. But l?t me g? thr?ugh th? reasons wh? do?ng that wont work.
Guys hate clinging. In fact, they run ?way from ?nything clingy. Males want t? feel that their freedom ?s intact, this means th? avoidance ?f m??t commitment where possible. When ?ou cling, y?u ar? effectively forcing h?m t? commit t? som?thing (your relationship) ag??nst h?? will by him accepting ?our clinging behavior. This w?ll make him uncomfortable and ?nl? succeed ?n driving h?m further away from you.
Guys ?ppre???te independent girls. By contacting h?m ?ft?r ? breakup, ??u ar? onl? showing that ?ou cant g?t on with?ut him ?nd this w?ll push h?m furth?r aw?? fr?m you. Guys want girls who h?ve th?ir ?wn lives, th??r ?wn friends ?nd the?r ?wn ambitions. While y?ur ?x boyfriend m?ght ap?re??at? that y?u want t? spend time with him, h? will want to spend m?re time with YOU ?f y?u make ?t ?eem l?k? you h?ve ? lot g??ng on. And ?ou do, ??u have your friends, family, daily commitments and what-not. Dont ruin th?s fact by contacting h?m if you re?ll? want to g?t your ex boyfriend back.
He w?nt? th? chase! Guys ?r? suckers f?r ? good chase. Its the w?? males are programmed, ?ts be?n this wa? for all ?f history ?nd ?ts n?t d?fferent now. By depriving him ?f that chase, you ?re depriving h?m of h?s favourite past time and th?t means h? w?ll th?nk he ?s g?tt?ng ? lot le?? ?ut of ?our relationship th?n h? thinks he should. Bottom line i? th?t you n?ed to make h?m feel l?k? h?? worked f?r it.
How y?u c?n u?? th? No Contact Rule t? drive ?our ?x boyfriend crazy
Now th?t ??u kn?w the reasons why contacting him w?nt work, you ??n begin to ?ee h?w y?u ??n u?e th?? t? y?ur advantage. Dont cling, be independent k?ep running ?our ?wn life, give him th? chase! By not contacting him, he will begin t? realise th?t y?u r?all? CAN get ?n without h?m ?nd in turn that h? made a mistake. He w?ll then tr? t? contact y?u but dont give ?n just yet. Make him work for ?t ?ft?r all, ?ou deserved t? b? worked f?r dont you? Take ?n what y?uve learnt her? ?bout th? n? contact rule and ?ou w?ll b? ?n ? much b?tt?r position to g?t your ex boyfriend back. Not ?u?t that, HE w?ll b? the ?n? desperate to get YOU back. Please understand that th?s ?? ?u?t one of ? number ?f effective techniques you ?an u?? t? get h?m back.
from How to Get Your Ex Back - Make Ex Want You Back
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