How Do You Know If Your Ex Will Get Back With You.
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Needless to say, if things ended up running nicely, shed have believed the (truthful) explanation. A colleague getting overenthusiastic when wed just won a large advertising pitch. It had been hugs and kisses all-round, I think I even kissed my boss, and hes the dad of 4 and built just like a quarterback.
But things hadnt been running nicely. Wed moved in together, and admittedly we were driving each other mad.I love her like crazy, but I just wasnt used to accounting for my actions, minute by minute. That girl loves to text. Every second of the day, where am I, what am I doing, what did I have for supper, would you like steak for lunch - the continual texts made me feel like a prisoner under observation.
But following the fight, I missed them. I missed the almost continuous low "ting" that heralded a note coming in. I missed my phone come to that, and had to go customize the one. Fortunately, my plan allow me to have my old number.
No texts. Not one. So, I made a decision to reverse roles. I sent her texts, nighttime and daytime. "I miss waking up with you." "I heard our song right now and it taught me to be cry." "Are you lonesome tonight?" "My love is like a red, red rose." Every cliche, every romantic memory, every song, every poem,every thing which had meant something to us, I texted it to her.
And not in text language. No - I used fully spelled out, beautifully punctuated English.
Finally, eventually, my phone went "ting". And it was her. "Yes, I do miss you." I texted her straight back, "Im so sorry we fought, I was an idiot." Back she came. "I believe you about the lipstick."
Then it just became an excessive amount of, I dialed her number, and we talked, and then that wasnt enough, so I literally ran to our old place, and she was waiting for me.....
She still texts a lot, but not as much as before. We had a great old fashioned face to face conversation, and I told her how I didnt want to feel she was spying on me. We made a contract to talk more and text less. 4 me its going gr8.
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