
Jumat, 06 Mei 2016

When Self Confident Arrogant People Overreach Themselves God Intervenes And Acts

There were times when Isaiah prophesied that which was sublime and that which bordered on the sordid, in as much as the people of God rebelled against the Word of God and Compassion and Concern which God had for them. We read of this type of thing in the second half of Isaiah Chapter 9. Isaiah was a powerful and faithful man. He was an amazing prophet - a mouthpiece for God - and he lasted - and spoke what God would have him say. Do read the actual text and check it out for yourself.

The people had not returned to God. They did not seek the Lord Almighty. The people were not really bothered or concerned about returning to God. That is the tragic situation of which we read here.

All were going to suffer - rulers and people. The leaders mislead those they were leading and those being led were prepared to be led wrongly - and be misled and deceived.

Judgement will always fall upon the elders and the prominent men. The prophets were equally guilty because they did not proclaim the Word, which God was giving them to speak - that is the false prophets and there were many around - just as we have many false prophets around today.

When a nations rulers have no faith in God - and do not look to God - the policies they devise are directed by human wisdom - and these are often influenced by greed and selfish ambition.

The task of the Church of Jesus Christ is to be the prophetic voice in the nation.

I visualise the Father looking for us in times of trouble - coming in tears to Him for healing and help and forgiveness and encouragement - and God the Father looking for us coming. Come and show Me that you love Me - come and sit on My Knee and tell Me - is that too simple - too childish? No.

Always remember - worship is to please Him - to praise Him - to adore or adorn Him. If we dont receive anything from worship, that does not matter - not if we please HIM by worshipping HIM in sincerity and truth.

Isaiah sees elders - leading men in society - and prophets - speaking lies - and preachers who were leading the people astray. Isaiah sees God dealing with them all. Even the orphans and widows and young people appear to have no sensitivity to and reverence for God - as vile words stream from their mouths. That is common today too.

Isaiah sees God angry - with His Hand upraised. Isaiah sees how widespread is the wickedness - it was like a fire burning in a mans heart - it was destroying all that was good. Wickedness usually leads to war, and that is what is about to happen here as God allows this chosen people to be taken away in defeat. Isaiah sees the land being burned - everything being destroyed. Once this fire gets out of control it is unstoppable. It is the same with wickedness. Verse 20 - There is plenty to eat - but no-one is satisfied - always wanting more.

This leads to Civil War. My Children are fighting, and God does not like to see His Children fighting among themselves.

In Chapter 10 there is mention of bribery and corruption.

Injustice makes God angry. Some of the leaders should have been angry that the widow and the orphan were suffering injustice - but they were not - so God allowed them to be overrun and taken captive for 70 years. It is a recurring chorus. Another highly significant descriptive picture!

Jesus spoke about these issues - they concerned Him - they should concern us.

Again Isaiah sees that upraised hand - a Hand that can hold - that can beckon - that can say to a nation - "this far and no further" - the Hand of God is a generous Hand when He blesses - but look at what the Hand of God does here! He picks up a rod - the army of Assyria - and they are sent against Israel. They never thought this would happen to them. Assyria becomes an instrument in the Hand of God - as He seeks to bring this people to their senses. He wants them to wake up to the reality of the situation.

Verse 10 - that is what was going on in the north - it is dealt with - and Judah in the south paid no attention. God uses the Assyrians - so far - and then the Assyrian Commander has to be stopped. Why? Why?

The king of Assyria suddenly became so proud and haughty that he thought he was doing all the conquering in the Promised Land. "I have done this - I have done that" - he had no idea that he was in the hand of Almighty God. He was like a man tied to a post - walking out - unwinding a rope - and then when it is all out - he keeps on walking and the rope begins to wind him in. When he set his face against Gods People - his time is limited. The king wanted to go right through Israel and conquer Egypt too. He was a tyrant - tyrants always talk about "I". Such arrogance!

We are nothing more than Gods instruments. "Go on - axe - chop the wood on your own - go on - saw - cut the logs yourself." Pride and arrogance are very unfitting for instruments of God.

God says - verse 16 - Isaiah - when he reaches that point - Ill send a wasting disease - Ill light a fire under his pomp thatll send his temperature high.

He has been like a mighty marching forest. There will be so few soldiers left that a child will be able to count them. We are told there were only ten left who were well. This prophecy teaches us that ultimately all power comes from God.

Isaiah can see the questions on the faces of the people to whom he is preaching. How much will be destroyed? How many? Most. Only a remnant will return.

God always has a remnant - there have been many master races - Assyria - Babylon - Greece - Rome - Germany - The British Empire - but there has only been one Chosen Race.

The decree will be carried out. If the people had said - "I dont know what the world is coming to" - Isaiah could have told them.
Verse 25 - My anger will end - my wrath will be directed to their destruction. Do not be afraid of their rod and staff - they can either frighten you or comfort you. Isaiah speaks of how the Assyrian army will strike terror in the land.

185,000 soldiers surrounding Jerusalem - and shaking their fist at Mount Zion. II Kings 19 verses 20 to 37. God fells that forest of soldiers. They had looked like the tall cedars of Lebanon, but they had gone too far. They had become too proud. In their self-confidence and arrogance - they had overreached themselves - and they were prevented from taking Jerusalem. They were not allowed to conquer Mount Zion.

See what God can do, as we stand back today and take a sweeping look at one situation. God is righteous. God is powerful and in control of history. He will only allow certain people to go so far. And He will never let His people go because He loves them - and in Christ and through Christ He loves us.

He is on the eternal Throne - and in charge - of the Middle East - and of any situation you may be struggling with at this time - He is in charge. He knows what He is doing. Hand Him these matters which can cause such concern and trust Him. Let Him be in charge.

He will never make a mistake. Give Him what you know you cannot handle and cope with on your own - and trust Him totally. He will not let you down, nor disappoint you.

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