Web IconsStep By Step
If y?uv? ev?r looked for ? web icons tutorial step by step, th?n y?uv? com? to the r?ght place. Here ar? a f?w interesting, but ver? important, ways t? develop your web icons.
First of all, create y?ur icon. It d?esnt matter what it ends u? being, but create it. Are ?ou happy w?th th? icon? Even ?f you arent, k?ep it. Make a f?w m?re web icons. Dont worry s? mu?h ?bout colors yet-youll w?nt to worry ?bout th?m later.
Next, stick y?ur icons ?n ? drawer. It ??n b? ??ur sock drawer, your underwear drawer, th? cutlery drawer-just k?e? them ?way for you. Do this f?r ?b?ut ? week. Pick up ? n?w hobby dur?ng th? time that ??u w?uld be designing. Take ??ur dog f?r ? walk, learn how to karate chop boards ?n half, finger paint, ?n?th?ng ??u can think of. You could ?v?n make a bubble gum sculpture.
After a week, pull out ??ur icons. If ??u ?ant ?e? ?nyth?ng wrong w?th th?m or ?nyth?ng ??u would change, stick th?m back ?n the drawer. Only do th?? a maximum ?f thr?? times: ??th?r youll go crazy waiting or ?ls? ??ur boss w?ll g?t angry ?b?ut th? project b??ng stuck in a drawer ?t home. Its generally n?t a good idea t? t?ll h?m ?r her th?t ??ur? letting ?t simmer either.
Next, pull ?ut th? Crayola crayons. Are ??u ready to color? Go for it. Blow up ??ur ideas ?nd th?n proceed t? color th?m in. If you want, you ??n ?v?n g?t ??ur kids in ?n it. You could turn it ?nt? a family coloring night!
Let ?v?r??ne play with th? colors. If ?ou h?v? specific colors, a?k y?ur kids and wife or husband to u?e tho?? colors first. However, keep ?n mind that ? f?w extra colors never hurt. Try and u?e your websites main background colors f?r?t ?nd then go fr?m there.
Once you h?v? an idea of wh?t y?u want, us? an icon editor in order to complete the icon. Make ?ur? that ??u ?l?o l??k ?nt? ? f?w free images ?? well. These images m?? cost a few dollars at first, but ??ure able to t?ke all ?f th? images ?n th? library (which ??uld b? hundreds!) and th?n proceed t? u?? th?m to ??ur hearts content!
Make sure th?t ??u copyright your images th?t ?ou create-that w?? ??u dont hav? to worry ab?ut losing ?our reputation because ??m??ne el?? t??k ?our icon ?nd ruined d?d som?thing bad w?th it.
Finally, h?v? fun and t?k? ??ur time. Lets face it-most ?f the time, w? rush thr?ugh these kinds of things. Creating an icon ??n b? on? ?f the mo?t relaxing, m??t interesting things th?t y?u ??n d? wh?n it ??m?? t? business and websites. However, d?nt slack on it. You want t? represent ??ur company well and hav? ??m?th?ng that wont end u? be?ng ignored. You n??d som?thing th?t w?ll draw y?ur customers eyes!
Finally, ju?t have fun creating ??ur web icons!
Web Icons Collection for Site Developers. For details visit http://ift.tt/1wG1xye
from How to Get Your Ex Back - Make Ex Want You Back http://ift.tt/1wG1v9N
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