
Jumat, 29 April 2016

Using Male Psychology To Get Your Ex Back

If you have tried all the traditional methods to get your ex boyfriend or husband back, you probably already know that they dont work. Trying to convince your ex or appeal to his logical male mind simply doesnt work. Your friends and family were wrong. Talking things through only makes matters worse and makes you feel like youre fighting a losing battle.

Using male psychology and taking control of the situation is the best way to go. Understanding how he thinks, how he makes decisions based upon male psychology and using these methods against him is the most powerful and effective way to turn things around and have your ex become compliant and actually start to fall in love with you again.

Why Using Male Psychology Works

Using male psychologyThe reason why male psychology works so well is because men are emotionally repressed. Psychological tactics work very well on guys. They have been taught to ignore or repress their emotions so when you use male psychology against him, he will be repressing those feelings until they reach a boiling point.

What will happen is that a man will become so overwhelmed with emotion that he will either fall apart completely or he will find a logical reason to make a decision that falls in line with these emotions. He might say that it simply made sense to get back together with you because you have a long history or he has forgiven you but it will be his emotions that will be driving this decision. It will be the effects of you using male psychology to bring him to a fever pitch that will either break him or cause him to change his mind about how he feels about you.

While everyone else might tell you that men are logical and that they dont make decisions based upon their emotions, you need to know the truth. Sure, your Dad probably wasnt a very emotional man or he didnt appear to made decisions based upon how he felt or the underlying emotions but upon closer scrutiny, you might see that things were a little different than they appeared.

Chances are that if your parents are still married, your mother knew how to handle old Dad pretty well. She could get him to do just about anything by using male psychology to some degree. It might sound a little sad but behind any great relationship is a woman that knows how to subtly manipulate a mans emotions and use male psychology to make him feel like hes in control while getting him to do what she wants.

Male Psychology Versus Traditional Methods

Using reversed psychology to get him backLook at it this way. Using traditional methods of conflict resolution or talking things through... apologizing for what you did wrong in the relationship and promising to do better if the future is about as effective as pleading with your parents to have the car Friday night after you got caught with your hand in the cookie jar.

Your ex has made a decision. That decision was to end the relationship. Thats a huge decision... its a life changing decision. No amount of logic is going to change his mind. You simply are going to have to employ emotions... youre going to have to rely upon psychological methods that will drill down into his mind and change how he actually feels.

Just think of this... what methods do captors use to break a man when he has been taken prisoner during times of war? They use psychological methods to break him. They might try to torture him but a man can see what is being done. He views his captors as the enemy and he would rather die than betray his vow or decision to refuse to help the enemy. Youre the enemy right now. No amount of torture would probably make him change his mind but using psychological tactics will.

Examples Of Using Male Psychology You Might Recognize

his emotional hot buttonsOk... so youre a little confused. Do you want some examples of using male psychology that you have probably used in the past that you didnt even know about? Great!

Do you ever remember giving him your "cutesy voice" to get him to do something? You know, that baby talk voice that make him think subconsciously that youre helpless without him and hes your big strong man that you need in your life. That is one way that you may have manipulated him without even knowing it.

Next, have you ever been in an argument and told him "ok... thats fine..." but he knew that things werent fine? Or maybe you gave him the silent treatment when you were upset about something.

Both of these are passive-aggressive ways that many women use male psychology and reverse psychology to get a man to either stop fighting or arguing. This is an almost surefire way to win an argument and one that works very well.

A man will go insane, lose his cool and thus lose an argument in the process when you use these methods. It leverages male psychology and make you the victor no matter what you were arguing about because he lost his cool so he loses no matter what.

The methods that you can use the leverage male psychology are very similar but they speak to your exs instinctual core... his maleness that makes him always want to be right, always wants to win as well as his desire to be seen as the man.

When you use these methods you will appear to be doing absolutely nothing perceptible to manipulate him and the emotional hot buttons that you push speak directly to his heart and the love that he has buried underneath a bunch of male ego since your breakup.

The Ethical Question Of Using Male Psychology

how to use psychology to get your ex backThe only remaining question is whether you should use male psychology to get your ex back. There are a lot of women that might have a problem with this... they dont want to appear manipulative... they dont want to feel like theyre tricking their ex into falling in love with them again.

Honestly, your man is an emotionally repressed beast that needs taming. If your motives are good and you truly love him, theres no harm in using male psychology to get him back... to save your relationship and give your relationship that second chance that it deserves.

If you still feel like youre cheating or using some sort of trickery to get him back, keep in mind that men use methods like this all the time to pick up women. There are hundreds of books written by pickup artists who promise to show men what to day and what to do to get a girl to do what they want. Isnt it about time that women be give the same kind of consideration.

***Click Here To Learn More About Using Male Psychology To Get Your Ex Back***

In addition, how good are men at talking about their feelings? How much love and passion do they express. Using male psychology will help you to bring those emotions to the surface and in addition to helping you to get back together, using male psychology with your man will give you both the love, desire and passion that you both need to get back together with such force that there will be no stopping him.

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